Terms and Conditions
Parent Volunteer Requirement: All parents are required to volunteer at rehearsals or performances. All assignments are first-come, first-serve, so please sign up early to get a shift that works best with your schedule. Agreeing to the terms and conditions is acknowledgment of this requirement and agreement to honor it.
Attendance Policy: The success of this program depends on every participant attending each rehearsal. By agreeing to the terms and conditions, this acknowledges the requirement that your child's participation in this program must supersede participation in any other after-school activity/commitment where there is a scheduling conflict. Allowances will be made for illnesses. Should your child have any unexcused absences, KJK Production reserves the right to reassign them to a different part.
Behavior Policy: By agreeing to the terms and conditions, this acknowledges the understanding that good behavior is critical to the success of the program. Children who are deemed to be disruptive will be asked to leave the program.
Payment Policy: Due to the limited availability of slots available for cast members (both main cast and chorus), failure to submit payment within three business days of completing registration will likely result in the child losing their space in the play. Payment can be completed through the online registration form. Limited kehilah scholarship opportunities exist for families with financial need. Please email confidential scholarship requests to pto@leffellschool.org.
Student School Dismissal: Please note that dismissal will follow the regular after-school routine; parents are to drive up to the front of the building and form a car line. Please DO NOT leave your car. All students will be paged and escorted out to their car by a responsible adult. Children will NOT be allowed to go home before dismissal time. Parents may NOT enter the building. All dimissal plans should be submitted with the registration. If dismissal information changes, please email lsplay@leffellschool.org with pertinent information.